Chairman Goodlad called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., Monday, January 26, 2009 at the Star Prairie Community Center.


Members Present: Bob Goodlad, Don Demulling, Warren Wood, Stuart Nelson, Dennis Early, and Neil Johnson


Members Absent:  Brad Johnson:  Gary Dado was present to represent Brad Johnson


Wood moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Neil Johnson, and carried.


The October minutes were read by Demulling.  Nelson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Neil Johnson, and carried 


Treasurer’s report by Early: 


            ENDING ACCOUNT BALANCES                                  $45,512.99


            INCOME                                                                                   4,511.16


            EXPENSES                                                                               4,471.35


            ENDING ACCOUNT BALANCES 1/26/2009                 $45,552.80


Nelson moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Wood, and carried.




Public Input:  A discussion was held pertaining to the numerous ice fishing houses that have been broken into.


Ice Fishing Contest:  Discussion was held on the upcoming ice fishing contest put on by the New Richmond Athletic Association which is scheduled for Saturday, February 14th.  Nelson moved to have Wood contact the Athletic Association and send a letter outlining the concerns of the Lake District and its residents regarding clean-up, ordinances, and behavior. Motion seconded by Early, and carried.


Aquatic Invasive Species:  Goodlad reported that Beaver Creek Reserve has a grant to inspect boats and educate the public regarding boats and trailers either entering or leaving the lake with aquatic vegetation attached to them at the public access on the north end of the lake.  This is a three year program which will cost $11,400.  The Lake District has been asked to support this project by covering 25% of the cost, either by offering labor valued at $12.00 per hour or by monetary support. 

The district will need to supply 108 hours of labor at $12.00 per hour per year to offset the monetary cost.  Nelson moved to approve this project, seconded by Neil Johnson, and carried.


Open Water Discussion:  Goodlad reported poor ice conditions on the north end of the lake by the inlet.  After much discussion, it was determined that the Lake District is not responsible for marking any open water or poor ice conditions on the lake.




Water Quality Report:  Goodlad reported that he discussed the water monitors with Buzz Sorgy from the DNR and will schedule a meeting with him for an upcoming Lake District meeting.  There is one monitor now in Horse Creek by the inlet to the lake.


School House, DNR Sale:  Goodlad reported that at the Alden Township meeting the vote by the public was 11 for and 9 against granting the township the right to go ahead with selling the building and property to the DNR if they want to purchase it.


The next meeting will be February 23, 2009 at the Star Prairie Community Center at 7:00 p.m.


Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Demulling, and carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Don J. Demulling